Notice for Scran Contributors


Contribute Podcast Guides

Contribute is Scran's online uploading tool to share your materials with other users of Scran.  You can contribute materials through your free Stuff account.  Sign up to Contribute

Podcasts: How to Use Contribute

The following short podcasts take you through the process of Contributing, and answer your questions about uploading your materials to Scran. 

Downloadable MP4 Version.  Right-click to download. Playable on Scran right now.  Just click.
Signing up as a Contributor Signing up as a Contributor
Uploading your first picture Uploading your first picture
Adding caption data to your picture Adding caption data to your picture
Submitting your project Submitting your project
How your contribution looks on Scran How your contribution looks on Scran

Use of Podcasts

Feel free to download these for personal use, or for use in CPD sessions at local, regional or national level.  CPD coordinators, you are free to pass these on toother Scran users electronically and to make copies for distribution.

Format of Podcasts and Viewing Software

The downloadable podcasts are .m4v files, and will play on your iPod, iPad or iPhone.  To watch them on your PC or Mac, we recommend Apple's iTunes or VLC's excellent open-source media player.