Notice of contributors to SCRAN
Assignation and novation of contributor licenses from Scran Limited to Historic Environment Scotland
SCRAN is a national educational online resource of cultural and heritage assets ( and it was established in 1996 by The SCRAN Trust to enable public access to Scottish cultural resources. SCRAN is now managed by Historic Environment Scotland an executive non-departmental public body established under the Historic Environment Scotland Act 2014, being a registered charity (Scottish Charity number SC045925) and having its principal office at Longmore House, Salisbury Place, Edinburgh EH9 1SH (“HES”).
Within the last 25 years, many individuals and organisations have contributed digital images, moving images, sound recordings or other licensed content to SCRAN. The relevant contributor licenses are held by Scran Limited (formerly a subsidiary of The SCRAN Trust and now a subsidiary of HES).
With effect from 15 March 2023, Scran Limited will transfer its interest in each of these contributor licenses to HES by way of an “assignation” (in relation to the transfer of Scran Limited’s rights under the contributor licenses) and by way of “novation” (in relation to the transfer of Scran Limited’s liabilities under the contributor licenses). After the transfer, each contract in respect of the SCRAN licensed content will be with HES.
This is a change of contracting party only – all contributor licenses remain on the same terms and conditions as the original contracts. This change will not impact on any digital content in SCRAN and HES will continue to make appropriate royalty payments annually (if applicable). Both the contributor and HES will be able to enforce the relevant contract and pursue any claims and relating to the relevant contract against each other, with respect to matters arising before, on or after the date of transfer from Scran Limited to HES, as though HES was the original party to the relevant contract instead of Scran Limited.
The reason for this change is that Scran Limited has been a dormant company for many years, and HES now intend to wind up this company.
Scran Limited and HES have sought to contact all contributors to SCRAN, using the most up to date contract information held by either organisation, to inform the contributors of this transfer of contracts. If you have any queries about this notice, please contact Neil Fraser (Historic Environment Scotland) on