Notice for Scran Contributors


Web Site

Virtual Geological Fieldtrip to the Isle of Arran

Created by Dr Gordon Curry and Graham MacLeod, Division of Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow

What kind of resource is this?

A virtual geological field to the island of Arran. Arran is a small island off the south west coast of Scotland, often referred to as Scotland in Miniature due to its wide variety of rocks of different ages and types.

Read the full case study to find out more about this resource and how it was made.

Who was it designed for?

First and second year undergraduate Earth Sciences students. It is also suitable for a wide range of audiences: undergraduates, school students and lifelong learners willing to carry out background investigations needed to fully exploit the site.

Points of interest:

Virtual fieldtrips are of course an excellent way to prepare for fieldwork and a useful aid to revision afterwards. They can also provide a taste of the experience to those unable to make it into the field.

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