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- Kings & Queens

Pathfinder Pack has Images Pictures Pathfinder Pack has Text Text Pathfinder Pack has Teacher Resources Learning resources

Pathfinder Pack has Images Pathfinder Pack has Text Pathfinder Pack has Teacher Resources  
Alexander I [Alexander I (c 1077 - 1124)]
Alexander II [Alexander II (1198 - 1249)]
Alexander III [Alexander III (1241 - 1284)]
Balliol [John Balliol, King of Scots (c 1230 - 1313)]
Buchan [Isabella, Countess of Buchan]
Charles I [Charles I (1600 - 1649)]
Charles II [Charles II (1630 - 1685)]
Cromwell [Cromwell, Oliver (1599–1658)], Lord Protectorate
Darnley [Henry Stewart, Lord Darnley (1545 - 1567)]
David I [David I (c 1080 - 1153)]
David II [David II (1324 - 1371)]
Duncan I (1010-1040)
Elizabeth II [Elizabeth II (1926-2022)] - Coronation
Elizabeth II [Elizabeth II (1926-2022)] - Golden Jubilee 2002
Elizabeth II [Elizabeth II (1926-2022)] - Silver Jubilee 1977
Elizabeth II [Elizabeth II (1926-2022)] - at Balmoral 1927-1976
Elizabeth II [Elizabeth II (1926-2022)] - visits Fife
Elizabeth II [Elizabeth II (1926-2022)] - visits Inverness
Gruoch [Lady Macbeth]
Gueldres [Mary of Gueldres (c 1434 - 1463)]
Guise [Mary of Guise (1515 - 1560)], Queen of Scotland
Investigating Mary Queen of Scots
James I [James I (1394 - 1437)]
James II [James II (1430 - 1460)]
James III [James III (1451 - 1488)]
James IV [James IV (1473 - 1513)], Monarch
James V [James V (1512 - 1542)], Scottish Monarch
James VI [James VI and I (1566 - 1625)], Monarch and Writer
James VI and I (1566 - 1625) - Images
James VII [James VII and II (1633 - 1701)]
Joan Beaufort [Joan, Queen of James I (d. 1445)]
Kings and Queens of England
Kings and Queens of Scotland 1: The Ancient Kingdoms
Kings and Queens of Scotland 2: Malcolm Canmore to the Maid of Norway
Kings and Queens of Scotland 3: Robert Bruce to Robert III
Kings and Queens of Scotland 4: James I to James VI
Kings and Queens of Scotland 5: Charles I to Anne
Macbeth [Macbeth (c.1005-1057)]
Malcolm Canmore [Malcolm III (c 1031 - 1093)]
Malcolm the Maiden [Malcolm IV (1141 - 1165)]
Margaret [Margaret, The Maid of Norway (1283 - 1290)]
Margaret [Queen Margaret (St Margaret) (c 1046 - 1093)] - Images
Margaret [Queen Margaret of Scotland or St Margaret) (c.1046 - 1093)], Scottish Saint
Margaret of Denmark (c 1456 - 1486)
Mary [Mary, Queen of Scots (1542 - 1587)], Scottish Monarch (Part 2)
Mary [Queen of Scots (1542 - 1587)], Scottish Monarch (Part 1)
Monarchy and Power in the 13th Century
Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee Celebrations 2012
Robert II [1316 - 1390]
Robert III [c 1337 - 1406]
Tudor [Margaret Tudor (1489 - 1541)], Queen of Scotland
William I [William the Lion (1143 - 1214)]

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